16 October 2014

Secondary Audience Research - Lana Del Rey Fans

An article By Luke Winkie Tue, June 10 2014

In this article Luke Winkie juxtaposes Lana Del Rey fans and WWE (Wrestling Fans). He talks about how little children believe everything about WWE is real and to do with real life… He then goes on to similary juxtapose these ‘children’ fans with Lana Del Rey fans talking about how her fans also believe that she really is some dark mythical goddess. Luke splits up the different type of Lana Del Rey’s fans as ‘Marks’ and ‘Smarks’.

The Marks are the ignorant ones who believe she reall is this alter ego living in a dark twisted world.

The Smarks are the clever ones who know Lana is simply and entertainer and ‘Lana Del Rey’ is her character.

The article shows how Lana Del Rey has image and brand/character through the use of her music and videos so powerful and real… that fans truly belive that she is this woman who is obssessed with death.